Brain Health Food from the Cleveland Clinic

The chief wellness officer from the Cleveland Clinic does a great job summarizing what we know about Food for Brain Health. He covers what to add to your diet, what to avoid and why as well as advice on other ways to stay brain healthy. While most of the food items have already been covered on the Next Brain Blog, there are a few surprises.

For example, check out the list of items to the right. I bet you will find several new ones. For example, I did not know apple skins, Chia and tomatoes are health food for the brain. There is also a good discussion of things to avoid including trans fat, syrups, saturated fats and bleached flour.

We can eat to maintain brain health (avoid cognitive decline) but we can also eat to improve brain function and enhance cognitive performance. Eating the right things can make us smarter.  I have cataloged over 12 examples here on the Next Brain Blog.

Interested to hear from readers that are using diet to maintain brain health or to boost brain power.