Gift Giving Idea: Consider Fat Brain Toys
Fat Brain offers an amazing collection of high quality toys and entertainments designed to stimulate the brain and develop cognition. You can shop for toys by gender and ages ranging from 1 year old to 18 years old. From magnetic poetry and brain food (colorful goo) to the best selling stomp rockets and reflections (image shown), a truly unique game that combines mirrors, visual illusion and competition.
Just the kind of toys that should be on the holiday shopping list of Next Brain Blog readers. Interested to hear from anyone that has purchased or plays with Fat Brain Toys. How are they making you smarter?
Categories: Child, Cognitive Development, College Student, Mental Focus, Other, Perception, Problem Solving Tags: toys
Toys Designed to Stimulate the Brain
The most frequent question I get is from parents or parents to be. They want to know what they should do to develop their children’s brains and cognitive skills. Check out VTech toys (no affiliation). They are guided by a panel of experts and offer toys designed to stimulate learning and cognitive development at all ages from birth to 8 years. You can even search for products based upon your child’s age.
From baby’s learning laptop to the classic Peek-at-Me Bunny and the award winning sit-to-stand alphabet train (shown) each toy is designed to create a teachable moment that ranges from learning about body parts to mastering language. While the impact of specific toys might be unclear, the basic principles they are based on seem sound.
Very interested to hear from readers that have used brain building toys.