Simple Rules Immediately Boost Math Brain

Learning or relearning the basics of arithmetic – or how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers – is painful for most.  With calculators everywhere some ask why even learn arithmetic?

Arithmetic is a core skill in a broader competency called numeracy or how we think quantitatively or with numbers. Quantitative literacy is important for success in a wide variety of careers and household projects, even if you use a calculator!  Turns out that learning arithmetic (when done right) is excellent brain training and a foundation for quantitative literacy.

One key – see patterns in numbers using simple rules.

For example, can you complete 98 x 97 = ? in five seconds without a calculator? How about without paper and pencil?

This YouTube video will teach you how to do the problem and similar ones in just a few minutes. A snapshot is given below.

This is just one example of how a simple rule will immediately boost you math skills and build your brain.  Of course you need to practice to get it to stick. There are many such rules and even some math programs for sale that teach them. The video above comes from Glad2Teach that also offers a similar approach to algebra. Another program that combines simple rules with memory building and fun is Brainetics.

Even if you already know arithmetic, such programs offer 10-15 minute daily exercises for training your math brain and building quantitative competency.

Very interested to hear from readers with experience using programs that teach simple rules for doing complex arithmetic problems by looking  for patterns in numbers.