Seek Novelty to Expand Cognitive Potential

In the Next Brain blog we explore evidence-based ways to improve brain function and enhance cognitive performance.   That is why the recent article in Scientific American on 5 Ways to Enhance your Cognitive Potential caught my eye. The author does a good job of reviewing the science behind fluid intelligence and argues we can actually increase IQ through targeted development efforts. There are five ways that include seek novelty, challenge yourself, think creatively, do things the hard way and network.  Let’s take a closer look at seeking novelty or being open to new experiences.  It is a practice with a clear impact on our brains (plasticity, dopamine for motivation, etc.)  and you can build into into everyday activities.

The authors recommend:

“Always look to new activities to engage your mind—expand your cognitive horizons. Learn an instrument. Take an art class. Go to a museum. Read about a new area of science.”

Learning an instrument and taking an art class are excellent suggestions as they have proven effects on building a number of cognitive skills. We have discussed this elsewhere on the Next Brain Blog. See for example Music Lessons Offer Life Long Cognitive Benefits.

Learning art or music is a big investment. What else can we do?

One of my favorite ways to stimulate novelty is to review web sites on topics outside my normal areas of interest. YouTube videos and Ted Talks can really get the novelty factor flowing fast.

For example, watch the first 4 minutes of the video below on brain magic. Be sure to follow along with the audience. I guarantee you will get a good jolt of novelty!

Brain Magic Ted Talk

Interested to hear from readers that have made novelty seeking a habit. What specifically do you do?