Does Teasing Your Brain Make it Stronger?

There is some evidence that we can enhance our brain function and cognitive performance by regularly solving puzzles, problems, riddles or games that tease our brain.  Teasing means presenting  some enjoyable mental challenge that is not too easy but not too hard.

Classic crossword puzzles and the more recent Sudoka number-pattern puzzles are popular brain teasers. Some people love them others find them boring.

The key is to find the type of brain teaser you enjoy and enjoy it regularly.

If you have not discovered your inner brain teaser, or are shopping for new ones (always a good idea), check out Top 10 Brain Teasers and Games for Adults and Kids from Sharpbrains.  You are sure to find something you like.   If you do, the next challenge is find a steady supply of similar challenges.

Very interested to hear from readers that enjoy brain teasers.  How do they enhance cognitive function?

Image Source: Fanpop!